con•fer•ence crash•ers

/ˈkänf(ə)rəns kraSHərs/


1. an event entertainment organization focused on the creation and production of custom virtual events.

2. creative event professionals who elevate corporate messaging by integrating company culture with custom live experiences.

"The Conference Crashers totally crushed it for us!"

About Us

Meet the team of event professionals who will Crash Your Conference.

Our Vision

“Over the 10+ years I spent hosting corporate events, I always noticed that there was a big disconnect between ‘the entertainment’ and ‘the business’ - as if there were two separate phases of the same event as opposed to elements of the same event working together with a common goal. This philosophy is the genesis behind Conference Crashers, and it is the backbone of everything we do - we combine your brand and our brand fun.

Your corporate message and your culture, intertwined with our creative experience and our talented team, delivered in a cohesive event that is branded, customized, and always super, super fun.”

Mike Rylander, CO-FOUNDER

Our Story

Late in 2019, live event host and creative director Mike Rylander approached Rob Corrall and Anna Blecker, owners of successful live event DJ company Second Song, with this kernel of an idea, and together, they decided to form Conference Crashers with this shared vision.

When the COVID-19 pandemic changed the event industry and the world as we know it, Conference Crashers was quick to pivot into the virtual event space, applying the central vision of the company to the technologies of virtual events, and creating virtual event products and services that deliver our vision.

So, from custom-designed virtual events catering to your company’s message and vision, to unique live events that combine multiple elements of performance and corporate branding, Conference Crashers is your immediate and long-term one-stop-shop for corporate event entertainment.